Deonewstrade - US Manufacturing Output Unexpectedly Rises #deotrade #United_States #M | Foxdeo - We pay for your posts
US Manufacturing Output Unexpectedly Rises #deotrade#United_States#Manufacturing_Production_MoM Manufacturing production in the United States increased 0.1 percent in February 2023, compared with expectations of a 0.1 percent decrease. The indexes for durable manufacturing and nondurable manufacturing moved up 0.1 percent and 0.2 percent, respectively, while the index for other manufacturing (publishing and logging) fell 1.5 percent. Within durables, computer and electronic products recorded the largest gain (1.2 percent), while nonmetallic mineral products recorded the largest loss (0.5 percent). Within nondurables, decreases of at least 1 percent were registered by textile and product mills and by plastics and rubber products; only chemicals recorded an increase of more than 1 percent. Capacity utilization for manufacturing slipped 0.1 percentage point in February to 77.6 percent, a rate that is 0.6 percentage point below its long-run average.