How is Foxdeo different? 1. Ownership - We believe in real ownership, which only exists when users own the rights to their content and the economics that come with it. Users should be compensated for their likeness, image and content. It's simple and it's the right thing to do.
2. Access - We share social revenues with everyone, for any type of content, size of network or level of influence. Using Foxdeo requires nothing more than what you already do on other social media platforms today.
3. Empowerment - Our model is global, scalable, and designed to empower the user. For the first time every user can be a content creator earning royalties in perpetuity.
4. Revenu Plus - You can earn money, by other service like PayperChat and PayperView.
5. Premium Service - Dont like ads you can pick your package with no ads and others features.
CONTENT GUIDELINES Foxdeo is a community where people come to connect and share their valuable content; stories, feelings, thoughts and ideas. It is our priority to keep Foxdeo a safe place while promoting original content and authentic engagement. To balance the needs of a diverse community, we have created these guidelines to keep in mind when contributing on Foxdeo. Foxdeo upholds freedom of speech to the highest degree possible until it infringes on the rights of others to a safe environment. Spamming: Foxdeo is a community for authentic engagement. While we certainly encourage users to grow their audiences through original content and earnest engagement, we do not allow spamming (e.g., follow me/follow you language, aggressive hashtagging or mentioning, irrelevant commenting, etc) as a means to gain more followers or views on posts.
Graphic Content: Foxdeo is a place where people exchange ideas and experiences. Sometimes these contain graphic language or imagery as a means of raising awareness and to condemn it. Graphic content that is shared for sadistic effect is not welcome on Foxdeo. We ask that you be mindful of your audience when posting and warn potential viewers of offensive or graphic content.
Harassment: Foxdeo does not permit the direct abuse of private individuals. Harassment can be unwelcome and repeated messaging, threats, attacks or any other behavior on Foxdeo carried out in a manner likely to cause annoyance, alarm, or a reasonable fear of physical injury.
Hate Speech: Any content that incites violence or promotes prejudice or hatred toward a protected group is not permitted. We invite you to challenge the status quo as it pertains to ideas and practices. Criticism of a nation, policy, or belief system is generally acceptable, however, speech or imagery that encourages violence or discrimination against a protected group is not tolerated.
Protected groups include but are not limited to: race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity
Identity and Privacy: Foxdeo is a place for users to build and monetize their online social network and identity. An account may be of an individual, a business, or a charity. Authenticity is essential. Impersonating a business, organization, or another person is prohibited. Users should keep their account login credentials private. Do not provide your username and password to anyone or any site other than Foxdeo.
Intellectual Property: Foxdeo promotes and rewards original content creators. Violating copyright law by posting someone else's content without their permission is against the Foxdeo terms and illegal. Some of the highest quality and most engaging content is your own. Whether it's a photo of your dog wearing sunglasses, your favorite spot in town, or your grandpa's 80th birthday; your friends and followers are here to get to know you. If you have a camera-phone, you're a creator! We hope you will be inspired to show us what you can do.
We take content ownership very seriously at Foxdeo. Please be sure that you have the right to share content with respect to copyrights, trademarks and other legal rights before doing so.
Self-Harm: Foxdeo removes any content that refers positively to self-harm, including but not limited to self-mutilation, use of hard drugs, or eating disorders.
Violent Content: The safety of the community is priority No. 1. Coordinating acts of real-world violence and/or making real threats is strictly prohibited. Inciting or lauding acts that result in physical or financial threats is not allowed. Foxdeo does not allow the presence of organizations with records of violent criminal or terrorist activities on our site. Any content found in violation of our terms of service will be removed. In cases where we believe there to be a legitimate risk of physical abuse or threat to public safety, law enforcement may be notified.
Reporting Activity: We ask users to help us maintain a safe and inviting community by reporting posts and users who break the rules. If you believe something violates our terms, tell us about it. You can click'more' and'Report' on any post to bring it to our attention. Our team will review and take appropriate action. Also, you can email us at support@Foxdeo to provide more detail.
How do I change my password? Go to the upper right section of the site, click on your profile photo, select Settings and then go to General and then you can change your password.
My network has value? Yes, your network is also valuable. The other half of your earned revenue on Foxdeo comes from the growth and activity of your personal social network. One third of all users' content-generated revenue is passed up to the person that directly invited them to join Foxdeo. A third of the remaining shared revenue will then go to the person that invited that user, and so on. The generations of users in your personal network are a part of what we call your Family Tree. To learn more about the algorithm that Foxdeo uses to distribute network value, visit: What is the Foxdeo Algorithm?
I don't want others to add me as their Friend Users have the option to display the 'Add Friend' button on their profile. Go to Settings, Privacy, and uncheck the box next to the option 'Receive friend request'.
How do I complete my profile info? To complete your profile information, click on Settings icon .
Once you are in the Settings screen, you will be able to fill out fields pertaining to your general settings, profile, social accounts, invitations, finding friends, privacy and notifications.
How do I publish content? By Form: Every user can publish their content (photos, text, links, emoticons, etc.) by using form in top of the screen. To post a video, copy and paste the embed URL into the content creation box.
Press 'Post' to publish. Select the icons of your favorite social accounts to share your content to those platforms.
By Mail: You can send pictures as attachement and text as subject and send all to you private mail [email protected] .
How do I share a weblink? Copy the link you want to share, select the preview picture for the link using the arrow buttons and press 'Post' to publish.
Who can see my content, and how do I manage content visibility? When posting content to Foxdeo, you have the option of two visibility settings. 'Public' means that any one can view your post. 'Private' restricts visibility from Followers. .
For more privacy options, go to your Settings/Private Life Page.
What are hashtags and how do I use them? A hashtag (#) is a symbol that can be added as a prefix to any word when commenting or posting. The '#' symbol ensures that whatever characters follow it are letter-for-letter inserted into a searchable database sorted by the exact lettering following the hashtag. Hashtags are commonly used to indicate key categories related to a post (e.g. #NewYorkCity), when a user wants to contribute to a trending subject (e.g. #Equality), or when users want to share their content related to a specific event or happening (e.g. #UCFS).
How do I delete content? When using a computer: On the bottom of any post, click'EDIT ICON4 and then press 'Remove' to delete a post, or'Remove Img' to remove only the picture
You can't delete content posted by other people unless it's posted directly to your profile page.
How do I increase my content's visibility? Quality content through social networks always generate strong engagement while helping you discover and be discovered by the community. Foxdeo's community is made up of all different types of people ranging from artists, chefs, photographers to college sport fans. With quality content, hashtags also help your content to be discovered. Keep the hashtags relevant to the content you share.
Focus on quality content. Quality content is always fresh, unique and provides some value back to the community. We've seen this through memes, photos, videos and even status updates. Complete your profile, share some content, and be ready to engage with the community as they share interact with you.
How do I search for content? On the upper left of the navigation pane, there is a little magnifying glass icon and an empty space representing the area in which you can request to search for a user by first or last name, by profile name or one can search for hashtags. The following screen shots are examples of how to use search on the web (which autopopulates the search bar when you type) and the mobile apps (which requires a user to type and press enter prior to the search query).
Are there limits to how much I can post on Foxdeo? Yes. We understand many users are as excited as we are about Foxdeo! While we certainly encourage users to grow their audiences through original content and earnest engagement, we do not allow spamming (e.g., follow me/follow you language, aggressive hashtagging, irrelevant commenting, etc) as a means to gain more followers. To keep Foxdeo an awesome community for authentic engagement, there are some limits to the amount of interaction users can have from their profile.
- 100 Posts per day
- Follow 1100 people (total)
Example: You post 2 times at 3pm UTC. You now have 100 more posts available until midnight UTC.
How do I grow my network? Our platform is built for a community that values quality content over quantity. While we understand and appreciate enthusiasm for growing an account following on Foxdeo, users should never have to ask for a follower. Authentic relationships are built upon genuine interest and trust, and the same is true for engagement on Foxdeo. People will follow out of interest, not obligation. We encourage users to grow their audiences through original content and earnest engagement. We do not allow spamming as a means to gain more followers.
Users who spam have a negative impact on the community. We will take the required actions to reinforce a positive user experience, which includes banning users who spam.
How do I mention/tag a user when I post content? When posting content or commenting on any others' content, you can use the '@' symbol before a users' profile name to mention them (tagging them), which will associate them with the post or comment. When you start typing an'@name' a suggestion box will load with other user's names to ensure the right user is mentioned. Note: Mass-mentioning users can be considered spamming others via notifications and gaming the system via drawing views inauthentically.
What is the difference between Friends and Followers? Friends
If you are friends with a user, then each of you automatically follow each other, and you will share both levels of content in your feeds ('Public' and 'Friends Only' posts). We do not yet have 'Private' or 'Restricted' options to control content visibility to Friends. We suggest only befriending people you actually know or want to know. Trust us on this one!
If you follow a user, you can see their 'Public' posts. Users you follow will not see your 'Public' posts unless they choose to follow you. Likewise you can have Followers that you choose not to Follow.
How do I send private messages to other users? On the right of page you will all your followers user or friends just click on and send private message.
What happens if I invite someone to Foxdeo using my short code? When someone clicks on your short code URL, they are invited to sign-up for Foxdeo. Once a new user sign-up, they automatically follow your account and will see your updates through their news feed. Behind the scenes, that member also becomes part of your family tree. Any shared revenues that the invitee earns becomes shared revenue with you, the inviter. You can invite new members via email or SMS through the website and the app.
How do I control who sees my posts? 'Public' means that your content will be visible to both Friends and Followers.
'Friends Only' means that your content will not be visible to Followers.
By default all posts are 'Public', unless the 'Friends Only' setting is specified. You can select 'Friends Only' in the menu to the left of the 'Post' button. This setting can also be changed after the post has been made.
If you wish to hide certain biographical information about yourself, go to your MyProfile. To learn more about privacy within Foxdeo, visit Privacy.
How do I connect another social network to my Foxdeo account? To simultaneously post to your Facebook, Twitter,Blogger and more accounts,use ifttt.com and use your feeds rss
Can I create multiple accounts? You may have more than one profile. Profiles do not need to be of an individual. Additional accounts can be any of the following provided the account does not violate our terms.
- Special interest topic (like'Cute puppies' or'Cool Tech Gadgets')
- Non-profit organization or business (provided it is owned by you)
Foxdeo is a community for authentic and honest engagement. Users who contribute are welcome!
How do I add another member as my Friend? To Friend a user, go to their Profile Page and click on the 'Add Friend' icon on the right of their cover photo. A friend request will be sent to the user. They must respond to your request before you will be able to mutually see each others' posts. If they approve your Friend request, you will see the 'Friend' box checked on their cover photo.
How do I become a verified account Foxdeo? To become a verified account, you must following inscruction:
1-Make purchase 2- Send picture of your passport or any local identification card 3- Send hd video showing your face and identification document to this mail support@Foxdeo along with your Foxdeo profile url.
How do I to add money to my account You can add money to your account for free with:1- paypal account, crypto ,credit card or skrill 2- With alternative method (SMS,audiotel...)
How do I remove a Friend? To remove a Friend, go to their Profile Page and click on the 'Friend' icon on the right of their cover photo. This action will remove them and you should see that the check mark next to the Friend icon disappears.
How request money from my account You can request your earning money from you account with:1- paypal account 2- with cheque ou wire transfer ( pending not work now)
This service is not free you may pay 2%
Can I change my username? No you can't change your username
How do I Follow another member on Foxdeo? You can follow another Foxdeo user by going to their Profile Page and then by clicking the Follow button on their cover photo.
The content I share has value? Yes, as a user on social media platforms, your content and interactions are valuable. On Foxdeo, you will get paid for your content. Half of your earned revenue is in the form of royalties generated by the content you post. Sharing content on Foxdeo is as simple as any other social platform. Sign up, post your status, photos, or videos to your page, and engage with your friends as little or as often as you'd like.
How can I manage my notifications? Go to the upper right section of the site, click on your profile photo, select Settings and then go to Notifications and then you can manage all the notifications you receive.
How can I contact the support team? For general questions, please submit a ticket to [email protected] For advertising inquiries, email [email protected]
For press inquiries, email [email protected]
Why i can't see my earn money? Every cent earn today is sent to wallet the next day.
How to get verified account? To get your account verified you must follow those steps:
1-Send Your justification ID (Passport,ID CARD with photo)
2-Send Address Justification (Bills...)
3-Send Small video with take about your self or your company.
How to get free loan? To free loan your apply for any non classic loan example DeoGold and you will pay only if DeoGold price raise the last echance day, DeoGold Price is : 1900$, you apply for 300 Deocoin for 30 days you will pay 10 DeoCoin every day the day 30 if DeoGold price raise by 3% you will pay 3% of 300 DeoCoin , if price decrease you may not pay
How is Foxdeo different?
1. Ownership - We believe in real ownership, which only exists when users own the rights to their content and the economics that come with it. Users should be compensated for their likeness, image and content. It's simple and it's the right thing to do.
2. Access - We share social revenues with everyone, for any type of content, size of network or level of influence. Using Foxdeo requires nothing more than what you already do on other social media platforms today.
3. Empowerment - Our model is global, scalable, and designed to empower the user. For the first time every user can be a content creator earning royalties in perpetuity.
4. Revenu Plus - You can earn money, by other service like PayperChat and PayperView.
5. Premium Service - Dont like ads you can pick your package with no ads and others features.
Spamming: Foxdeo is a community for authentic engagement. While we certainly encourage users to grow their audiences through original content and earnest engagement, we do not allow spamming (e.g., follow me/follow you language, aggressive hashtagging or mentioning, irrelevant commenting, etc) as a means to gain more followers or views on posts.
Graphic Content: Foxdeo is a place where people exchange ideas and experiences. Sometimes these contain graphic language or imagery as a means of raising awareness and to condemn it. Graphic content that is shared for sadistic effect is not welcome on Foxdeo. We ask that you be mindful of your audience when posting and warn potential viewers of offensive or graphic content.
Harassment: Foxdeo does not permit the direct abuse of private individuals. Harassment can be unwelcome and repeated messaging, threats, attacks or any other behavior on Foxdeo carried out in a manner likely to cause annoyance, alarm, or a reasonable fear of physical injury.
Hate Speech: Any content that incites violence or promotes prejudice or hatred toward a protected group is not permitted. We invite you to challenge the status quo as it pertains to ideas and practices. Criticism of a nation, policy, or belief system is generally acceptable, however, speech or imagery that encourages violence or discrimination against a protected group is not tolerated.
Protected groups include but are not limited to: race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity
Identity and Privacy: Foxdeo is a place for users to build and monetize their online social network and identity. An account may be of an individual, a business, or a charity. Authenticity is essential. Impersonating a business, organization, or another person is prohibited. Users should keep their account login credentials private. Do not provide your username and password to anyone or any site other than Foxdeo.
Intellectual Property: Foxdeo promotes and rewards original content creators. Violating copyright law by posting someone else's content without their permission is against the Foxdeo terms and illegal. Some of the highest quality and most engaging content is your own. Whether it's a photo of your dog wearing sunglasses, your favorite spot in town, or your grandpa's 80th birthday; your friends and followers are here to get to know you. If you have a camera-phone, you're a creator! We hope you will be inspired to show us what you can do.
We take content ownership very seriously at Foxdeo. Please be sure that you have the right to share content with respect to copyrights, trademarks and other legal rights before doing so.
Self-Harm: Foxdeo removes any content that refers positively to self-harm, including but not limited to self-mutilation, use of hard drugs, or eating disorders.
Violent Content: The safety of the community is priority No. 1. Coordinating acts of real-world violence and/or making real threats is strictly prohibited. Inciting or lauding acts that result in physical or financial threats is not allowed. Foxdeo does not allow the presence of organizations with records of violent criminal or terrorist activities on our site. Any content found in violation of our terms of service will be removed. In cases where we believe there to be a legitimate risk of physical abuse or threat to public safety, law enforcement may be notified.
Reporting Activity: We ask users to help us maintain a safe and inviting community by reporting posts and users who break the rules. If you believe something violates our terms, tell us about it. You can click'more' and'Report' on any post to bring it to our attention. Our team will review and take appropriate action. Also, you can email us at support@Foxdeo to provide more detail.
How do I change my password?
My network has value?
Yes, your network is also valuable. The other half of your earned revenue on Foxdeo comes from the growth and activity of your personal social network. One third of all users' content-generated revenue is passed up to the person that directly invited them to join Foxdeo. A third of the remaining shared revenue will then go to the person that invited that user, and so on. The generations of users in your personal network are a part of what we call your Family Tree. To learn more about the algorithm that Foxdeo uses to distribute network value, visit: What is the Foxdeo Algorithm?
I don't want others to add me as their Friend
How do I complete my profile info?
To complete your profile information, click on Settings icon .
Once you are in the Settings screen, you will be able to fill out fields pertaining to your general settings, profile, social accounts, invitations, finding friends, privacy and notifications.
How do I publish content?
By Form: Every user can publish their content (photos, text, links, emoticons, etc.) by using form in top of the screen. To post a video, copy and paste the embed URL into the content creation box.
Press 'Post' to publish. Select the icons of your favorite social accounts to share your content to those platforms.
By Mail: You can send pictures as attachement and text as subject and send all to you private mail [email protected] .
How do I share a weblink?
Copy the link you want to share, select the preview picture for the link using the arrow buttons and press 'Post' to publish.
Who can see my content, and how do I manage content visibility?
When posting content to Foxdeo, you have the option of two visibility settings. 'Public' means that any one can view your post. 'Private' restricts visibility from Followers. .
For more privacy options, go to your Settings/Private Life Page.
What are hashtags and how do I use them?
A hashtag (#) is a symbol that can be added as a prefix to any word when commenting or posting. The '#' symbol ensures that whatever characters follow it are letter-for-letter inserted into a searchable database sorted by the exact lettering following the hashtag. Hashtags are commonly used to indicate key categories related to a post (e.g. #NewYorkCity), when a user wants to contribute to a trending subject (e.g. #Equality), or when users want to share their content related to a specific event or happening (e.g. #UCFS).
How do I delete content?
When using a computer: On the bottom of any post, click'EDIT ICON4 and then press 'Remove' to delete a post, or'Remove Img' to remove only the picture
You can't delete content posted by other people unless it's posted directly to your profile page.
How do I increase my content's visibility?
Quality content through social networks always generate strong engagement while helping you discover and be discovered by the community. Foxdeo's community is made up of all different types of people ranging from artists, chefs, photographers to college sport fans. With quality content, hashtags also help your content to be discovered. Keep the hashtags relevant to the content you share.
Focus on quality content. Quality content is always fresh, unique and provides some value back to the community. We've seen this through memes, photos, videos and even status updates. Complete your profile, share some content, and be ready to engage with the community as they share interact with you.
How do I search for content?
On the upper left of the navigation pane, there is a little magnifying glass icon and an empty space representing the area in which you can request to search for a user by first or last name, by profile name or one can search for hashtags. The following screen shots are examples of how to use search on the web (which autopopulates the search bar when you type) and the mobile apps (which requires a user to type and press enter prior to the search query).
Are there limits to how much I can post on Foxdeo?
Yes. We understand many users are as excited as we are about Foxdeo! While we certainly encourage users to grow their audiences through original content and earnest engagement, we do not allow spamming (e.g., follow me/follow you language, aggressive hashtagging, irrelevant commenting, etc) as a means to gain more followers. To keep Foxdeo an awesome community for authentic engagement, there are some limits to the amount of interaction users can have from their profile.
- 100 Posts per day
- Follow 1100 people (total)
Example: You post 2 times at 3pm UTC. You now have 100 more posts available until midnight UTC.
How do I grow my network?
Our platform is built for a community that values quality content over quantity. While we understand and appreciate enthusiasm for growing an account following on Foxdeo, users should never have to ask for a follower. Authentic relationships are built upon genuine interest and trust, and the same is true for engagement on Foxdeo. People will follow out of interest, not obligation. We encourage users to grow their audiences through original content and earnest engagement. We do not allow spamming as a means to gain more followers.
Users who spam have a negative impact on the community. We will take the required actions to reinforce a positive user experience, which includes banning users who spam.
How do I mention/tag a user when I post content?
What is the difference between Friends and Followers?
If you are friends with a user, then each of you automatically follow each other, and you will share both levels of content in your feeds ('Public' and 'Friends Only' posts). We do not yet have 'Private' or 'Restricted' options to control content visibility to Friends. We suggest only befriending people you actually know or want to know. Trust us on this one!
If you follow a user, you can see their 'Public' posts. Users you follow will not see your 'Public' posts unless they choose to follow you. Likewise you can have Followers that you choose not to Follow.
How do I send private messages to other users?
What happens if I invite someone to Foxdeo using my short code?
How do I control who sees my posts?
'Friends Only' means that your content will not be visible to Followers.
By default all posts are 'Public', unless the 'Friends Only' setting is specified. You can select 'Friends Only' in the menu to the left of the 'Post' button. This setting can also be changed after the post has been made.
If you wish to hide certain biographical information about yourself, go to your MyProfile. To learn more about privacy within Foxdeo, visit Privacy.
How do I connect another social network to my Foxdeo account?
To simultaneously post to your Facebook, Twitter,Blogger and more accounts,use ifttt.com and use your feeds rss
Can I create multiple accounts?
You may have more than one profile. Profiles do not need to be of an individual. Additional accounts can be any of the following provided the account does not violate our terms.
- Special interest topic (like'Cute puppies' or'Cool Tech Gadgets')
- Non-profit organization or business (provided it is owned by you)
Foxdeo is a community for authentic and honest engagement. Users who contribute are welcome!
How do I add another member as my Friend?
To Friend a user, go to their Profile Page and click on the 'Add Friend' icon on the right of their cover photo. A friend request will be sent to the user. They must respond to your request before you will be able to mutually see each others' posts. If they approve your Friend request, you will see the 'Friend' box checked on their cover photo.
How do I become a verified account Foxdeo?
To become a verified account, you must following inscruction:
How do I to add money to my account
How do I remove a Friend?
To remove a Friend, go to their Profile Page and click on the 'Friend' icon on the right of their cover photo. This action will remove them and you should see that the check mark next to the Friend icon disappears.
How request money from my account
This service is not free you may pay 2%
Can I change my username?
How do I Follow another member on Foxdeo?
The content I share has value?
Yes, as a user on social media platforms, your content and interactions are valuable. On Foxdeo, you will get paid for your content. Half of your earned revenue is in the form of royalties generated by the content you post. Sharing content on Foxdeo is as simple as any other social platform. Sign up, post your status, photos, or videos to your page, and engage with your friends as little or as often as you'd like.
How can I manage my notifications?
How can I contact the support team?
For advertising inquiries, email [email protected]
For press inquiries, email [email protected]
Why i can't see my earn money?
How to get verified account?
1-Send Your justification ID (Passport,ID CARD with photo)
2-Send Address Justification (Bills...)
3-Send Small video with take about your self or your company.
How to get free loan?